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love to see where this goes, lighting is awesome!


Really enjoyed the puzzles and the skills! I can imagine a lot of really interesting levels stemming from what's already here. Amazing work on the art and music too. It feels very polished! My only complaint is that I expected turning invisible to make the guards stop tracking me.

Hi! Thanks for the comment and feedback! I’m still torn on should the skill be invisibility or invincibility. Right now it’s implemented as invincibility but the effect on the player might suggest otherwise.

Ahh gotcha I totally misread that as invisibility. Invincibility makes sense.


Nice game! The cooldown mechanics are fantastic, and the atmosphere is greatly done.

Really cool! It was fun working on this.

i thought this was a lot of fun. good atmosphere and a great job on the dialogue. i'd really love if there were checkpoints though. great prototype!

Thanks for the feedback! You are right about the checkpoints, didn’t have time to implement them yet.