Devlog #3: Stepping Into Networking

I felt it would be a good time to start working on the networking of Echo Squad. Mainly because then the other major components in the to-do list like inventory system and event scripting would be integrated with multiplayer functionalities from the get-go.

I use SFML library for graphics and audio, but quickly discovered its networking module wasn’t cut out for the real-time demands of Echo Squad. After exploring several alternatives, including Valve’s GameNetworkingSockets, which proved challenging for me to implement (likely a matter of skill on my part), I discovered ENet. Notably, I found a fork of ENet by zpl-c on GitHub that perfectly met my needs. This library struck the perfect balance between ease of use and comprehensive features, minus encryption, which I deemed non-critical for a PvE-centric game. Look, if someone takes advantage of that and you don’t like it, you can probably punch them in the noisemaker next time you meet okay? Or just don’t invite them the next time, whatever works best.

The first real test was setting up a multiplayer lobby screen. Utilizing imGui, I managed to get two game instances to communicate, marking a significant step forward. Adding a chat feature introduced me to the complex world of multiplayer mechanics, challenging yet incredibly rewarding upon success.

With the networking framework now in place, ready to handle game events, entity updates, and more, the next steps involve refining these systems to ensure smooth, real-time interactions. It’s a challenging journey, but each milestone brings me closer to the vision of Echo Squad.

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