Devlog #4: Networking Part 2

Well, that took some effort. I knew beforehand that implementing multiplayer features to a game would be a monumental task and there’s many reasons why most indie games feature only singleplayer mode. After over 150 hours of characters not updating and the game crashing, I’ve managed to get all assets to show correctly on other instance of the game. It turned out every time I dove into the code, I found something else that needed fixing or rewriting to handle multiplayer—even when I knew that I would add it eventually.

They say that developing your first game feels like building a house upside down when you don’t even know how to build one in the first place. I think when I some day get this project to finish line I can build a cathedral on the moon with blackjack and hookers, given the time to do it.

Looking ahead, I’ll keep adding more features to the engine and moving towards the first game mode: a straightforward base defense. That’s a major checkpoint for the project and I will publish it to get some valuable feedback.

Onward we go!

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